Latest papers in fluid mechanics
Numerical simulation study on the interaction between hydrogen flame and particle flame in scramjet
Author(s): Junjie Li, Suofeng Han, Wenxue Han, Ronggang Wei, Chunbo Hu, and Chao Li
To study the effects of powder injection on hydrogen flame flow field parameters in scramjet, numerical simulation methods are employed. The study focuses on the influence of particle injection expansion angle and particle injection swirl on hydrogen flame flow field parameters. The computational results indicate that injecting powder fuel into the hydrogen flame leads to a decrease in flame flow field temperature.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063201] Published Mon Jun 24, 2024
Active control of the free surface of a rivulet of a nematic liquid crystal with an electric field
Author(s): Akhshay S. Bhadwal, Joseph R. L. Cousins, Nigel J. Mottram, Stephen K. Wilson, Brian R. Duffy, Ian C. Sage, and Carl V. Brown
We demonstrate control of the free surface profile of a rivulet of a nematic liquid crystal through the electric field-induced local increase of the effective viscosity of the rivulet. This resulting increase in rivulet height is studied experimentally, and is described theoretically in terms of the volume flux and the electric field strength. The localized effective viscosity change of the flow in this study occurs under isothermal conditions with the other physical properties of the liquid kept constant. The reported effect contrasts with temperature-dependent viscosity control techniques, which involve changes to the physical properties of the liquid.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064002] Published Mon Jun 24, 2024
Hydraulic failure of granular materials with artificial cementation
Author(s): Abbas Farhat, Pierre Philippe, Li-Hua Luu, Alexis Doghmane, and Pablo Cuéllar
Experiments based on hydraulic loading of artificial cemented granular layers by a localized upward water flow revealed the existence of three failure modes: (i) Overall block uplift; (ii) Block rupture by median crack at the inflow zone; (iii) Progressive excavation of a fluidized path along the walls. Despite these distinct scenarios driven by the boundary conditions, the critical flow values at breakpoint are consistent with each other, underlining the local character of the instability, and can be rationalized by extending Archimedes’ number to the present case involving adhesion between grains. Agreement is then established with the purely granular case.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064305] Published Mon Jun 24, 2024
Turbulence modulation in dense liquid-solid channel flow
Author(s): Jonathan S. Van Doren and M. Houssem Kasbaoui
Inertial solid particles suspended in dense turbulent channels modulate turbulence and fluid mass flow rate through two mechanisms: (I) the increase of the suspension’s apparent kinematic viscosity with increasing solid volume fraction and (II) turbulence modulation through the particle feedback force. For particle volume fractions below 3%, the increase in suspensions apparent viscosity accounts for most of the modulation. As the volume fraction increases, the particle feedback force drives additional modulation beyond what the increased viscosity accounts for. Namely, this is a reduction in the bulk fluid velocity, reduction of turbulent fluctuations, and increased coefficient of friction.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064306] Published Mon Jun 24, 2024
Influence of wind direction on flow over a cliff and its interaction with a wind turbine wake
Author(s): Arslan Salim Dar and Fernando Porté-Agel
Most of the literature on flow over cliffs and its interaction with a wind turbine wake deals with wind direction perpendicular to the cliff. As wind direction can be oblique in reality, it is important to understand how the flow over a cliff can change with wind direction and what implications it can have for a wind turbine wake. In this study, we showed that above a certain wind direction, streamwise flow recirculation is replaced by a spanwise one, affecting flow shear and turbulence. In addition, we explored the complex interactions between flow over a cliff and a wind turbine wake, affecting its characteristics such as shape, recovery rate, and turbulence level in a nontrivial manner.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064604] Published Mon Jun 24, 2024
Poles, shocks, and tygers: The time-reversible Burgers equation
Author(s): Arunava Das, Pinaki Dutta, and Vishwanath Shukla
We construct a formally time-reversible, one-dimensional forced Burgers equation by imposing a global constraint of energy conservation, wherein the constant viscosity is modified to a fluctuating state-dependent dissipation coefficient. The system exhibits dynamical properties which bear strong sim…
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065108] Published Tue Jun 18, 2024
Dual residence time for droplets to coalesce with a liquid surface
Author(s): Ting-Heng Hsieh, Wei-Chi Li, and Tzay-Ming Hong
When droplets approach a liquid surface, they have a tendency to merge in order to minimize surface energy. However, under certain conditions, they can exhibit a phenomenon called coalescence delay, where they remain separate for tens of milliseconds. This duration is known as the residence time or …
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065109] Published Tue Jun 18, 2024
Analysis of Rayleigh-Bénard convection using latent Dirichlet allocation
Author(s): B. Podvin, L. Soucasse, and F. Yvon
Natural convection motifs are identified in a Rayleigh-Bénard cubic cell using a probabilistic clustering method, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The spatiotemporal features of the motifs at different Rayleigh numbers provide insight into the dynamics of the large-scale circulation (LSC), which is characterized by intermittent reorientations. A model based on the dominant heat flux motifs is found to predict successfully the average LSC reorientation rate, including in cases where few or even no reorientations are observed.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063502] Published Tue Jun 18, 2024
Generalized scaling laws for the irrotational motions bordering a turbulent region
Author(s): Marco Zecchetto, Ricardo P. Xavier, Miguel A. C. Teixeira, and Carlos B. da Silva
In turbulent free shear flows such as jets and wakes, and also in turbulent boundary layers, the turbulent region is bounded by a region of irrotational flow where the magnitude of the potential velocity fluctuations can be very high. This is particularly true close to the turbulent-nonturbulent int…
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065107] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
Simulations of buoyant flows driven by variations in solar radiation beneath ice cover
Author(s): Donovan J. M. Allum and Marek Stastna
Solar radiation is known to drive vertical motion under ice-covered lakes in the late winter. Numerical studies in this context tend to neglect the effects of nonuniform solar radiation on fluid motion in the lake interior. This research provides direct numerical simulations and the subsequent analysis of the resulting gravity-current-like flow, which propagates into an inversely stratified ambient with developing convection in the form of three-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. We find that with the chosen parameters, typical of an ice-covered lake, geometry plays a much larger role in its development and cessation.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063501] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
From weakly to strongly nonlinear viscous drop shape oscillations: An analytical and numerical study
Author(s): Martin Smuda, Florian Kummer, Martin Oberlack, Dino Zrnić, and Günter Brenn
Liquid drops exhibit nonspherical surface shapes with strong deformations upon pinch-off from jets or sheets. The deformed state induces shape oscillations, which are analyzed both by the weakly nonlinear approach and high-order simulations using the extended Discontinuous Galerkin method as two alternative nonlinear theories to investigate the oscillations at moderate to large deformations. The coupling of oscillation modes is found to induce quasiperiodic motion, which is shown by Fourier power spectra of the frequencies. The interconversion of kinetic and surface energies during the oscillations at strong initial deformations is quantified by the numerical simulations.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063601] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
Linear stability of turbulent channel flow with one-point closure
Author(s): P. V. Kashyap, Y. Duguet, and O. Dauchot
Linear stability analysis of the mean flow in turbulent plane channel flow in the large-scale pattern-forming range. Growth rate of the least stable mode as a function of streamwise and spanwise wavenumber α and β, respectively. Strict linear stability for all parameters is predicted for all parameters, suggesting that the mean flow stability does not explain pattern formation.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063906] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
Dispersion control in coupled channel-heterogeneous porous media systems
Author(s): Bowen Ling, Runqing Shan, and Felipe P. J. de Barros
Multilayered porous media are prevalent in both natural and engineered systems, exerting significant influence on flow and transport processes. This study presents a hybrid analytical-numerical approach to compute and understand the dynamics between scalar properties and media characteristics in a coupled system with a two-dimensional free flow layer and a heterogeneous porous medium under laminar flow conditions. Our research underscores how variations in the permeability field within multilayered porous media profoundly influence and control scalar mixing behavior.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064502] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
Transient internal wave excitation of resonant modes in a density staircase
Author(s): Joel Bracamontes-Ramirez and Bruce R. Sutherland
Vertically propagating internal wave packets incident upon a density staircase can resonantly excite natural modes of the staircase that then re-emit upward and downward propagating internal waves, changing the prediction for energy transmission of incident plane internal waves.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 064801] Published Mon Jun 17, 2024
Propulsion of a three-sphere microrobot in a porous medium
Author(s): Chih-Tang Liao, Andrew Lemus, Ali Gürbüz, Alan C. H. Tsang, On Shun Pak, and Abdallah Daddi-Moussa-Ider
Microorganisms and synthetic microswimmers often encounter complex environments consisting of networks of obstacles embedded into viscous fluids. Such settings include biological media, such as mucus with filamentous networks, as well as environmental scenarios, including wet soil and aquifers. A fu…
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065106] Published Thu Jun 13, 2024
Neural networks in feedback for flow analysis and control
Author(s): Tarcísio C. Déda, William R. Wolf, and Scott T. M. Dawson
In this work we propose a machine learning methodology for flow modeling and control design based on an iterative approach for training neural networks. We demonstrate that the methodology is able to achieve stabilization of complex nonlinear plants, such as an unstable confined flow past a cylinder. We also show that, through linearization of neural network models, we can use the methodology to conduct optimal sensor selection, as well as to perform unstable equilibrium estimation and stability analysis.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063904] Published Wed Jun 12, 2024
Mixed mode transition in boundary layers: Helical instability
Author(s): Rikhi Bose and Paul A. Durbin
When an unstable boundary layer is perturbed by free-stream turbulence, the combination of that perturbation with two-dimensional instability waves creates a state that transitions to turbulence by an intriguing, helical breakdown. Helical breakdown is analyzed as a secondary instability; the three-dimensional structure of the eigenfunction of the secondary instability mode reveals the helical pattern. The streak configuration leading to the formation of the helical mode is different from those leading to sinuous and varicose modes reported for pure bypass transition in the absence of instability waves. The mixed mode precursor is the distinctive cause for the helical mode transition.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063905] Published Wed Jun 12, 2024
Molecular dynamics study of the sonic horizon of microscopic Laval nozzles
Author(s): Helmut Ortmayer and Robert E. Zillich
A Laval nozzle can accelerate expanding gas above supersonic velocities, while cooling the gas in the process. This work investigates this process for microscopic Laval nozzles by means of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of stationary flow, using grand-canonical Monte Carlo particle re…
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065104] Published Tue Jun 11, 2024
Precipitation-induced filament pattern of injected fluid controlled by a structured cell
Author(s): Shunsuke Tanaka, Kojiro Otoguro, Miyuki Kunihiro, Hiroki Ishikawa, and Yutaka Sumino
Mixing of two fluids can lead to the formation of a precipitate. If one of the fluids is injected into a confined space filled with the other, then a created precipitate disrupts the flow locally and forms complex spatiotemporal patterns. The relevance of controlling these patterns has been highligh…
[Phys. Rev. E 109, 065105] Published Tue Jun 11, 2024
Aerodynamics and stability of hawkmoth forward flight with flexible wing hinge
Author(s): Yujing Xue, Xuefei Cai, and Hao Liu
We develop a fluid–structure interaction model that couples one-torsional-spring-based elastic wing-hinge dynamics with flapping aerodynamics to study the aerodynamics and flight stability of hawkmoth at various flight velocities. Both leading-edge vortex, body vortex, and their interactions are responsible for augmenting the vertical force production, achieving high power efficiency from the elastic storage. We verify that realistic wing-hinge stiffness leads to optimal aerodynamic performance and external disturbance-rejection is highly robust in multiple directions. This study highlights the significance of flexible wing hinges in biomimetic designs for micro-aerial vehicles.
[Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 063101] Published Tue Jun 11, 2024