
Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena 11 took place from July 30th to August 2nd 2019 in Southampton and was organized by members of our SIG. In addition, other SIG members and international colleagues presented their work at the conference.
The 2018 Sheffield Fluid Dynamics Symposium on June 13th involves presentations by a number of members of our group from Loughborough and Sheffield.
The 2018 Annual Meeting for our group took place on the 26th March 2018. The two invited international speakers were Prof. Pierre Sagaut (Marseille) and Dr Denis Kuzzay (Meudon).
Chris Keylock, Bharath Ganapathisubramani and colleagues in Melbourne (Ivan Marusic, Jason Monty and Nick Hutchins) were awarded the 10th Fluid Dynamics Research Prize in August 2017 for their work on the structure of boundary-layer turbulence.